Political Scientist, Author, Educator.
The Price of the Ticket
Barack Obama and the Rise and Decline of Black Politics
The historical significance of Barack Obama’s triumph in the presidential election of 2008 scarcely requires comment. Yet it contains an irony: he won a victory as an African American only by denying that he should discuss issues that target the concerns of African Americans. Obama’s very success, writes Fredrick Harris, exacted a heavy cost on black politics.
my publications.
writing and appearances.
America’s Red Summer
At 12.35 a.m. on 5 July, the night after Independence Day, police in Baton Rouge accosted 37-year-old Alton Sterling who was selling CDs in front
The Rise of Respectability Politics
What started as a philosophy promulgated by black elites to “uplift the race” by correcting the “bad” traits of the black poor has evolved into
Will Ferguson be a moment or a movement?
Fredrick Harris is a professor of political science and the director of the Center on African American Politics and Society at Columbia University. He is